Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What Colour Does Davina Mccall Use

Tournicoton, which disappears

The news broke brutal gallery Tournicoton just closed its doors, and at this time KUAI HELE disappeared. The "why" and "how" will not be mentioned in this post. Just a few lines dedicated to Nasstik Mariaka and, as a courtesy to WORK with that little extra that I express no modesty here. You know me well enough to know what may have my heart.
I feel a vibration was killed, but I also know she did not disappear.
Tonight a moth, with wings of a yellow-orange came to rest on my keyboard as I write these lines, a butterfly beating its fragile wings gently, like a technicolor idling. I look out into the night, stars shine, but more particularly ... I smiled, closing his eyes and I imagine this butterfly, as a thought related to that star.