Monday, February 28, 2011

Gas Mixture For Johnson Outboard4.5hp

Bon Voyage!

I have more time for internet these days, as you know I moved, yet tonight I really wanted to do my small tribute to a great lady!
from tiny ANNIE GIRARDOT has always touched me, I have not watched a movie without shedding tears of my emotion, this woman was for me an exceptional woman, WOMAN AUTHENTIC !!!!!
Tonight I found myself crying watching TV with the announcement of his death! My favorite actors and BEBEL ANNIE, I only have one!
GOOD Annie travel to the land of stars, angels and god. May peace be in your heart and soul!
un homme qui me plait

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where To Buy A Marshmallow Gun In Canada

"Do not pull on the Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

Back Cover:

In a small town in Alabama during the Great Depression, Atticus Finch raises her two children, Jem and Scout. Man of integrity and rigorous, this lawyer is appointed by the court to defend a Black man accused of raping a white woman.
This brief summary can explain why this book, published in 1960 - at the heart of the struggle for civil rights - was so successful. It is not enough however to understand how this novel became a cult book in the United States and many other countries.
is that, while lying about it in Alabama at a precise time - 1930 - Harper Lee wrote a novel universal child confronted with prejudice, lying, bigotry and evil. Narrated by Scout with great humor, this story is the tale of the American short story and the novel of initiation.

Notice JB:
Is it still necessary to present this book? Only the significance of the title you may still seem mysterious why one solution: to read at least half of the book.
30 million copies sold, the Pulitzer in 1961, no interviews, no second novel, what could explain the success of a seemingly mundane book? So in all dives myth ...

The action takes place in a small American town in Alabama, Maycomb, during the years 1930. Atticus Finch is a lawyer and he raises only his two children, Jem and Scout girl rather "tomboy" who will be our narrator. An event will disrupt the daily rather quiet Maycomb: black, Tom Robinson, is accused of raping a white woman and Atticus is who will handle his defense.

Rumours rife on the autobiographical novel, half assertion validated by the author (Atticus was partly inspired by his father, the town of Maycomb which unfolds the story would be very similar to that of Harper Lee's childhood).

Alabama 30 years suffered the brunt of the Great Depression. The population, mostly rural, is poor, well attached to the hatred of the "Yankee" and mocks the abolition of slavery. It is full segregation, and although the KKK has lost its superb (after numerous convictions for bribery and tax debts exponential), blacks still live in the margins, living in imitation slavery.

At the book's release in the early 1960s, much has changed. It is in full civil rights movement ("African Americans' struggle for obtaining and enjoyment of their civil rights "), Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech in Washington and white youth in his manner conveys the momentum of freedom through the emergence of culture-cons. That may be where there is a part of the book's success. Part of the American population 30/40 years will return to childhood through the story of Scout, and the side "small town south of the U.S." They will find themselves in may be the little girl who discovers the world of adults.

is then discussed issues and commitment by Harper Lee is the second key to success. Atticus is a good father, right, and particularly modern for its time, as opposed to traditionalism and ambient sexism. Through his work as a lawyer, he managed to cast doubt on a meeting of jurors to convict a black man accused of raping a white woman. J. Taylor and Hate the sheriff, state figures, know how to be fair and honest. Many avant-garde themes (instead of black, instead of women, role of the state) that will echo the claims of the American youth of the 60s.

Finally, the book is focused by writing simple, personal and just serves the story perfectly. Harper Lee wrote several versions of the work, and this, over several years. Wise decision: it is a success! No story filled with commonplaces or torrents of good feelings, the author has found an alchemy themes / interest in the story / tone that works. Tested recipe, the book is full of very good parts (which Atticus shoots, gifts Bo Bradley, etc..), And mood-years Southern 30 is a success (the stereotypes of "Finch" / "Ewell" are particularly about).

To read or not?
"Do not pull on the Mockingbird" is a work full, frank, open and above. Seriousness of the topics covered and subtlety of approach, quality of writing, a reminder of childhood, you might find, like me, your book and can be your pleasure. An excellent book that I recommend without hesitation.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Play Mountains On Piano Biffy

"If one night a traveler" by Italo Calvino

Back Cover :
Reader, have you ever dreamed of being the hero of a novel by Italo Calvino? Have you ever imagined becoming an author, librarian, university professor? The journey begins here: not a story, but ten sublime and breathtaking adventures, you'll be involved. One of the most ingenious novels, the most unusual, this magical triangle that links author, characters and reader.

Book of the Month - Double reading: JB & Emmanuel
At the sound of the flute, seduced by a back cover promising and by the relative difficulty in obtaining the book, we wanted the first page of a great story.
The book is constructed as a "project literary, alternating narrative "monitoring" cut into sections and chapters of the first unfinished often sewn to your main line. Add a touch ahead of interaction author / reader ("You drive, drive ..."), and some fantastic touches, the idea is quite interesting and quite ambitious. In your books ...

Notice JB:
"The book you are the hero" ... accompanied by a cover bears a dragon, a dungeon and often adventurous, very brave teenagers of the 1990s may remember being. Following the birth of literary conscience, was perhaps marked by "Ants" and its sequels, and, by extension, you may have read the "book travel" (Bernard Werber). At 15 or 30 years, and although the sensitivity is different, the player that I like to think that this is his book, but he does not like to be "You Drive" tu "or be heard in a tone and didactic. Mr. Calvino may tend to think he knows his future readers and that therefore our ability to dissect a fatherly feelings and habits (The story "classic" of the work tells the story of a player who begins a book that is very interesting but the rest is missing). Humble-the-board author-who-don't-read-this-ever-lines, the personality of the bed is not always the mirror of what he will as a "player", the calmer of us may be the most virulent of the readers. Reading, like writing without doubt, an act often selfish, a little voyeuristic and dreamlike, and you do not like seeing his little kingdom collapsing blows of tu and ultra-marked paths.

If you always follow, as this reader-protagonist in search of the rest of his book, the author inserts some sort of "early" chapters, stories and quasi-independent with no real link with the main story of book, which-s'-complete-at-end-of-20-pages-but-we-should-have-wanted-to-go, we are now similar to the "hero" of the main narrative. Given the quality of some of these early stages, it is certain that we can only satisfy us that the sequence was truncated: some are pleasant (in the station's history, revolution), some honest smile (The tepid erotic story Japanese), the general level is quite poor ... As we turn the pages, and we see unfold over the history of the "main" particularly complex drawling imitation ( Spotted an end "pseudo" original), the desire to commit the irreparable, skip pages, is strong ...

To read or not?
Not ...
This book is a concept, a structure that tends to scrutinize the reader as he turns the pages, and has not for him literary talent necessary to reduce this unpleasant feeling. We are the judges-buyers-readers, do not deny. A snub would end 'hit' here we feel attacked. Unfortunately for me it missed a concept which can not but welcome the research to make "original."

Notice Emmanuel
The pitch and the title of this book by Calvino could only enchanters. They also had their effect because they had allowed this novel exhausted pipped at the post the very famous in The Great Gatsby voting by readers of the blog for the choice of the book of the month of February!
Having recently read and enjoyed Cloven Viscount I was even more eager to discover this new novel by Calvino, whose language and intelligent fantasy completely conquered me.
So ominous disappointment that gripped me when I glimpsed the first line a sort of pre-Book of Travel , whose book had crystallized deep void in my memory as as an intolerable tu drive.
The discovery of the different beginnings of stories, which are the salt of the book, I though for a moment a door ajar on the novel by Calvino could have written: a kind of hybrid between novel and brilliant essay, which would have talked of writing (how one creates a story that makes you want in a few words), reading (When and how do we scale the initial curiosity to this irrepressible greed that grips us from reading a good story) at the same time as the interaction between two. Maybe so I imagined at that time a sort of courage that the author agrees to "burn out" potential ten novels just to write one. I must emphasize in particular that I found none of the "first chapter" really bad, some are more my style (the detective story that opens the book, the pseudo-Mafia novel, the strange half-fantasy novel that begins ringtones ...) than others, but all I seem to incipits valid for a novel of the genre they represent (even the Japanese-style erotic novel seemed nice).
Still, the chapters on how to make the link, even those that would enlighten the reader of all the stories cleverly linking them aborted, are quickly succeeded by dint of ridiculous twists, endless digressions, and exuberance nonsensical, frankly bored me. The overall result is therefore very disappointing because even the introductions which I emphasized quality above, eventually seem meaningless in the midst of this jumble of ramblings of a trivial nature. To give the final impression that Calvino wrote his book in mind with the idea of a form (a book that would bring together the beginnings of stories linked by all-means-) rather than a substantive (a book about the exposure of a story from the perspective of the reader, but also what the writer). And that's a shame.

Read or not?
No. At least I've read a lot better Calvino ( Cloven Viscount ) worth well over the trip. But this is not all the more annoying that we frankly feel that the author (which we know the talent) was let go during the writing of this book, resting on a reputation and ease of pen, and betting on the originality to lay a book loosely mall when he could make his masterpiece.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tech Deck Multiplayer

someone love you and think of you ..... We dance? 3

Cover Letter Examples For Pet Shop

a great album

An excerpt from my book adored Round The animals Martin & Alice Provensen, then!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Philips Freevent Mt1700 Drivers

gold back to the future

The Little ABC of French boxing savate - 2010 / The World of Teens - 2011
Sometimes it's scary to see the evolution of its line.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Camillus U.s.n. Mark 2

the green escape

An image inspired from old books for children I am the collection. Yes, well, I only have two now. And the coolest is that of Martin & Alice Provensen

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nightmares With Night Sweats

"The little novel of the eighth Christian Millau

Back Cover:
All the magic and the keys of wine a small book universe.

Notice JB:
It was after one of my many plays of "In Vino", broadcast on the wine posted on BFM, I discovered this book which was presented by its author, Christian Millau, co-founder of the Gault-Millau.
few clicks later on the excellent site selling second hand books that I-don't-mention-not-the-name, and here he stood roaring in my mailbox.
The book is in fact a succession of anecdotes and stories about wine and its environment, some not exceeding a few pages, Christian Millau has had time to collect during his long career as a critic. The last pages are, meanwhile, spent the author's favorite quotes, for wine (It includes authors such as Wilde, Baudelaire, etc..). We can therefore read a jumble of Yquem vertical legend, the story of "Billionaires Vinegar" or discussion of a bottle of XVIIIth century.
All these stories are not of equal interest, some frankly deserve a visit, others much less. I guess the sensitivity of the player plays much. It is true, for example, that the social role of wine through the ages is not what excites me the most.

Christian Millau likes to define himself as a lover, a lover of wine, which criticizes the "experts" and their pompous jargon and customs. The wine must remain a beverage of pleasure, or the novice as the insider should be able to find, so the dead "aromas of pear Lorraine", "sweat of young doe" or else "essence of rare wood in the Amazon" ... There is also no recall his adolescent discoveries along this gruff grocer in the cellar full wonders, or even to desecrate agreements dishes and wines universal type: oysters, Chablis, Sauternes, foie gras, etc.. The truth is probably somewhere between the two, as the saying goes, even if the notion of pleasure can be immediate and accessible (I / I hate / why), to discover the wine should be drunk, be a palace, share feelings and talk with those who speak the best winemakers. Christian Millau may elect (Hon incidentally) anti-diktat because he has learned, and because it was initiated.

ago in this book a bit of Taste and the power of Jonathan Nossiter . Wrongly called Mondovino by many, this story / movie had the effect of a mini-bomb in the wine world to its output. Standardization of taste, flavor Parkerizing, ubiquity of technology, excessive speculation, the wine world was not the venerable patriarch stroking his vines of his calloused hands, but a bureaucrat greedy for profit and export. Obviously, the situation is not as binary, and though some areas have clearly tipped toward a culture worthy of a science fiction movie, many winemakers known or unknown, or continued have switched to more natural practices, and a more upright stance vis-à-vis the vagaries of weather, disease or the wine itself.
"Wine is made to be drunk, not to be subject to speculation." While we obviously agree with this charming principle, I believe it is now impossible, even ridiculous, to hide the globalization of demand and the democratization of knowledge (thank you internet). As the years go by, the "stars" are expensive (at least in the Bordeaux region), as demand has become highly exceeds supply, the rich Russian or Asian who joined the rich American or European in the dance, and all these people often want to drink the same thing. The result comes from two angles:
- Fields announced on the fly "vintages of the century, rising prices, and the young novice buyer who sees the 2009 as a supermarket exclaimed: This is a great vintage ! Nobody wants to miss the next 1982/1990/2005 ...
- Fields not increasing their prices and continuing to supply their faithful recipients priced area are victims of counterfeiting and black market.
I consider the wine is worth the price we are willing to put there. If you growl against the rise of prices on the 1st GCC, not fear, many excellent reasonably priced areas still exist. If you plague because such areas do not accept growlers to take you as beneficiary, think of those who trusted them 20 years ago, and make an effort on your side to go to meet young winemakers.

Notice JB:
A little yes. No technical jargon, this book is for anyone curious oenophiles, and that, whatever their level. The stories are generally rather nice, the book is short and reads quickly, the approach is honest and simple, have fun by combining a dozen stories that are part of the construction of the comparison to wine by Christian Millau. Writ for want of a great literary moment, a moment of friendly curiosity.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does Mucus Relief Dm Do?

"Cantatrix Sopranica L. and other scientific writings" by Georges Perec

Back Cover
parody, pastiche, load, cartoon? Let the reader to characterize a name all texts gathered here, and sometimes reveal a figure unknown to Perec, one of the scientist.

Notice Emmanuel
Dear reader who lives in the hard science and you relax in the literature.
Or you who work daily in the field of humanities. You finally
is loving critics and literary interpretations of obscure works that are not less. Cantatrix Sopranica L. is a small collection of texts that you can not be unexpected as I fail to appreciate.
Georges Perec is one of the most prominent members of the OULIPO , this workshop creative and experimental literature created by Raymond Queneau we talked about on this blog a few months ago, with criticism of Quackgrass .
is an author who was very productive but is generally known for its award-winning novels such Life user manual (which I aspire to read soon) or Things . Yet a man of science as letters engaged in a process of exploring the possibilities of language and writing, he seems to have made her creativity in many directions, including that which concerns us here: scientific writing fictitious.
Because that's what the five texts are compiled in this collection of barely a hundred Pages: pseudo-scientific texts that mimic or away, both in substance over form, the archetypes of the genre.
Article eponymous Cantatrix Sopranica L., the most famous of the five, is naturally the most brilliant and most delicious to the doctor I am. But it is also an admirable text for the many levels of interpretation clearly intended by the author: the neophyte will appreciate the puns created by the names of authors cited in references (McHullot, Mac Haskett & Massinture; Payre & Tairnelle ...), while the non-specialist scientific guffaw at the resumption of the exact structure of an article Scientific and approximate translation of the abstract and the most connoisseurs will enjoy the scientific references that Perec sharp turn away brilliantly (the somatotopic organization of the cerebral cortex becomes tomatotopique, abbreviations designating the basal ganglia brain-STN, GPI, GPE ... - become SNCF, CNRS, CHU ...).
Obviously I am less expert to judge the other texts, aspects of which still attracts me: the seriousness with which is admirably addressed the question of crossings between cyclic imaginary butterflies and interpretation of delusional fantasy of a fragment text written by the enigmatic Raymond Roussel at the beginning of last century are just a few examples.

To read or not?
If you're tight or not really know anything in the world of science, no. But otherwise, if you are interested in science or even more if you befriend every day you will appreciate the extraordinary inventiveness of Georges Perec. Especially since these few seemingly innocuous texts if raise genuine philosophical question as their "scientific" makes them appear realistic and valid. So it is a pure figment of imagination of a man ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tattoos On The Hip Of A Kiss


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kidde Alarm 1276 Keeps Beeping

"War Reporter" by Patrick Chauvel

Back Cover:
For thirty-five years, Patrick Chauvel has photographed most of the conflicts that have gripped the world. Nourished by Kessel and Monfreid Schoendoerffer, great old son of the reporter Jean-Francois Chauvel, he tried to go even closer to the news. It is one of the last of a generation of reporters who lived in the Six Day War, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ireland, Iran, Lebanon, Panama, Afghanistan, Chechnya .. . He should have died a hundred times, he was wounded numerous times. In his reports, Patrick Chauvel was removed, he found himself facing a firing squad, he sank with the boat people to Haiti ...

Notice JB:
No pictures brand new boxes waiting patiently soak up the light to capture a scene of Parisian nightlife, modeling diaphanous swaying to the rhythm of flash or Insect Close-Up, welcome bullets, bombs and vests. No paparazzi in biceps trembling under the weight of their bazooka-zoom but the sound of the cocking lever and montages of film sent in envelopes.

You'll understand this book by Patrick Chauvel evidence tells a different era, a photograph "old" immortalizing conflicts around the globe. Starting his career as a photographer "war" in Vietnam, he will constantly follow all the major conflicts of the 20th century, Ireland to Panama, Iran to Chechnya.

The book is divided into chapters-conflicts, which summarize a few dozen pages of the newspaper of the author and sometimes the nature of the conflict, surrounded by a few anecdotes "field" often interesting. It is therefore entirely possible to read in any order depending on whether you preferred "IRA" or "Khmer" when your hands are trembling seize the book.
can salute the small dressing literary approach the strength of stories, each story there is an effort to maintain a certain structure, preventing the bombardment of chaotic stories.
Chauvel talks about his addiction to conflict, the adrenaline, personals, his "lucky star" and simply do what he must do, take pictures at the peril of his life. I read on various forums that many praise his ability to does not give its opinion on the conflict that crosses, others might say that his choice of photographs are nonetheless, another debate. A bit like a Mike Horn, the author is like magnetized by the conflict, measuring perfectly well aware of the danger and he wants to be a witness. So obviously we do not cut the hand "getting close to death-chance-inhuman-ego", but that's part of genre ...

The war photographer saw this golden age of pre-internet where it was sometimes the only witness to history in the making, or in the same measure, the agency Magnum could afford to send their free see results across the globe, "brings us your vision, your testimony."
Advent of digital democratization of the photographic material, everyone becomes a photographer, able to bring back the "image". The good side of things is no doubt that it is now virtually impossible to "miss" event as the eyes-everywhere cell phones are sometimes used to carry or bring real moments. The worse is that now the professional photographer is required to make "better" than the amateur, to take risks sometimes ridiculous or have an excellent finisher to give sensational in his image. While the editing is nothing new, it was already possible in the era of film development, but it is now so heavy, so systematic, it can transform the mundane into "interesting", turning the intensity of tone or sharpness of the picture above the choice of composition.
Not sure Nick Ut's Pulitzer would have been without a Photoshop expert today ...

To read or not? :
An interesting plunged into the world of journalism war, driven by a real immersion in the everyday life of the author, halfway between the adventurer and the artist.
We regret the side a bit "comprehensive" narrative, a succession of several armed conflicts throughout the century are not all on the same level of interest. It lacks the "dive" that would have made me really get into the book, this thread that would not have actually read the book over several days.
It is above all a book than a true testimony "newspaper" written in the heat of the action, not to love that shade or not.
If you like photojournalism, and you have at least a small interest in the geopolitics of the last century, when a small yes.

Electric Start Kitfor Snowmobile Easy Instalation

Sometimes I flip my nostalgic old photo albums. Paris, Lyon and silver (2004)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Denise Milani Totally Topless

Intimate Concert on Mysterious Wave

A nice concert tonight on the aptly named Mysterious Wave, along with Lazy Mistwood (vocals and guitar)
decor a bit delayed .. a bit intimate, a little corner in heaven .. Under the Cherry Moon.
Portfolio Live

Witty Things To Say On A Voicemail G

And here is how to pass a non-day trip to London without her friends. If I'm going to the movies, not to see Nothing to declare - haha - but to enjoy The speech of a king . And a little taste of London anyway.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kukri Knife Household


Remember, it was summer and I worked on it and it. It was a
-book quiz on wildlife recently published by Editions Nathan.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Playground Hazards Worksheet

"The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood

Back Cover
"We shall find ourselves face to face with the commanders. Our function is reproduction. [...] Nothing we must win, no discretion is allowed to flourish secret desires. "In the future may be close in places that seem familiar, the Order has been restored. The state with the support of his militia angels black applied to the letter the precepts of a Gospel revisited. In this society governed by the oppression under the guise of protecting women, motherhood is restricted to the caste of Servants, dressed all in red. One day she tells her pain, anguish and submission. His only refuge, it is the memories of a past life, a time when it was free, she still had a name. A work of great strength, which is in turn pamphlet against fanaticism, advocating the rights of women and praise of present happiness.

Notice Emmanuel
I suffered, I have the delay in the launch of my book review of the month, but I'm satisfied. I get the impression this new critical fulfill my role as editor on a literary blog. For if the highest goal of course is to bring to the attention of potential readers an unknown gem, sweet promise of hours of pleasure, it is probably also important to deter those readers reading useless. Especially when the book in question has a pretty good reputation. And I can sleep and you already say that reading this post will save you many hours of boredom.

I want to rename The Handmaid's Tale: Lamentations of spawning red . At least the title, but for content, would look good. For it is indeed this: lamentations monotone and pseudo-philosophical qu'Atwood has the bad taste of pressing on a background vaguely SF without any inventiveness or thickness. Nothing in this book is original: the context of the new order is dictatorial and dystopian siphoned about 1984 Orwell , depth and less, the pace of the narrative and cataleptic exceptional adventures are as much in suspense as Madame Bovary an evening of great fatigue from the topics addressed freedom of women to sexual desire through love as the foundation of life are generally outdated / stupid / poorly treated / clumsy (not to mention unnecessary scratching) is finally writing falsely sought, what does not suit a translation that can be guessed very literal and lacking clear style as lightness. Certainly
1984 raises the bar in the genre. But 1984 was written in 1948 and updated with beautiful variations on the same theme have been proposed, such as the excellent V for Vendetta by Alan Moore (written three years after The Handmaid's Tale). Margaret Atwood's book clearly does not in this category. The fault, in my humble opinion, the prevailing desire of the author to deal with ideas (the condition of women, reproductive goal in itself, femininity ...) rather than telling a story, a desire that the has perhaps facilitated, encouraged to plant a fake backdrop and no thickness to develop (long) about it rather than to develop its characters in a real company on which it would actually make the effort to document (unfortunately it is not difficult to find today societies where the woman is regarded as little more than a useful item to have).

To read or not?
No. I read this book on the advice of a friend who was incensed after he discovered in the original. I readily accept the fact that the translation makes very average yet the book down a notch to the void. But I refuse to believe that what bothered me for about 15 days can suddenly become exciting fluent in English. Or rather, I am sure otherwise.
I can not resist to conclude a wonderful quote abyss into which the book would seem ideal to play as a back cover. Although I fear that the publisher does not subscribe to my proposal.
"How horrible we said, and it was horrible, but it was awful without being believable. It was too melodramatic, it was a dimension that was not part of our lives. "

Aubrey Miles Prosti Online Streaming

We Were Beautiful, We Were Designed to party i would

Soundtrack : Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon

A little note to share with you my latest favorite: Misfits ♥ a crazy series worthy of his royal united kingdom! Five young offenders find themselves endowed with strange powers after a violent storm or killed on their city. Far from becoming superheroes, they try to tame them before any donation and their young adult years lost. It swear it cries, it laughs, it's kidding. All served by a soundtrack as diverse as sublime, a neat photography and actors impressive accuracy. Strongly Season 3, scheduled for November! interested? more info here and there

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kasetony Reklamowe Uzywane

"Latitude Zero" by Mike Horn

Back Cover:
" The weather has picked up on itself. It has become compact. The seventeen months of Latitude 0 were gradually transformed in my memory, a sort of unique moment, a breathtaking intensity, during which I lived almost simultaneously all he can live. I have seen children born and men die. I walked along the rivers and climbed mountains. I have known peace and I lived through the war. I laughed and I cried all the tears in my body. I felt joy, disappointment, sadness, fear of dying, euphoria and despair. "Mike Horn
lives only to realize his dreams. Then one spring day, he left on a shore with his wife and two daughters he adores, to circumnavigate the world alone, following the equator. On foot, by canoe, sailing and cycling through three oceans and two continents, Mike Horn has walked on the invisible thread. Never deviate more than forty miles. Here he tells how one man managed to blend in with nature for her to let go - and sometimes he can not. In the rainforest of Brazil, bitten by a snake, he stayed four days blind, half-conscious, not knowing whether or not the poison was deadly. But the greatest danger is the man and his wars. In Africa, rebels stopped Mike Horn and sentenced him to death. It escaped only narrowly. Why all this? Because he wanted to go after his dream later in the meeting of nature and men.
We discover in this story an extraordinary man who is afraid, who marvels that hurts, but ahead, always.

Notice JB:
- JB you do not know Mike Horn?
- No, who?
- This is a guy who descended the Amazon in hydro ...
Amazonia hydrospeed ... It was obviously enough to make me take a detour to the radius' stories of adventurers "of a Parisian department store. A quick glance is enough to realize that not only Mie Horn down the Amazon, but it also has to his credit, a whole bunch of other completions inhuman feats.
Former lieutenant in the South African special forces, he left South Africa for Switzerland in 1990, where he opened a water sports center, met his future wife and begin planning its future "adventures" .
He is the author of numerous books about his exploits (such as around the globe through the Arctic Circle ...) and more recently "Objective, North Pole at night," XO Publishing (2007), Pocket (2008).
"Latitude Zero" is the name of the small trimaran in which Mike Horn will start in Gabon to begin a world tour around the equator (the maximum deviation allowed is an invisible border 40km south and north of it). I'll let you run your finger around a globe, you will see that this type of project allows you to vary the pleasures.

Around the adventurer, a small logistics team of faithful, some sponsors and family. In addition to not having to deviate from the path of the equator, it has set Prohibition as to use any type of motorized transport, resulting in some surreal situations where forced to do part of his journey by Jeep (in Africa, and by force) he always manages to turn back again the distance on foot or cycling.
I'm not going to detail step by step the various feats he has succeeded, I leave you to read this book. One example, speaking tell us: 3600 km in total autonomy over the Amazon forest, 6 months, on foot ...
While Mike Horn is extremely well prepared, although his past military must help, of course he had several times insolent a chance to get out of impossible situations, the fact remains that what he has accomplished is a feat almost inhuman in that he probably had a mind scarcely imaginable .

The book is constructed like a travelogue, a diary, or it exposes us as well as his feelings very concrete data on the progress of his journey (chapters represent different parts of the journey). We're so caught up in the grand adventure that comes almost to pass moments of reunion with his family back into the jungle, climb a peak of over 5000m, surfing the Pacific or sow deserters in the Congolese jungle, selfish player I guess.
In search of adventure "pure" are first indignant few references to the sponsors or the discontent of the adventurer, when the recognition of one of the stages of his journey is low. Similarly, we may not agree with his thoughts when he crosses the continent. How to achieve such an adventure without sponsors? If this were the case, we would not smile alongside "millionaire adventurer? When making such a trip and even if we can not do without before doing anything to itself, is not it natural to expect some influence media? Mike Horn said himself, one of its motivations is to achieve "that nobody had ever done, to be first," we can try him for that?

To read or not?
Yes to any avid adventure story. The literary interest of the book is rather weak, let's be honest what should be paramount in your decision to buy this book is "is what I want to read 300 pages of sea / mountain / jungle recounting a year and a half of adventure. " Unless the emotional tension or style, is a feat that you read, not a great book.