Sunday, January 10, 2010

Never Sign A Confidentiality Clause

I thought I'd offer some personal thoughts on Buddhism, study and practice.
To begin, I would say that observation, it seems to me that Buddhism in France (
talking about what we know, right?) Tends to err on the side of idealism, which would be a shame for a
"philoligion" as the Buddha-dharma ... Idealism! What a big word! Everyone knows that the Buddha-dharma is not an idealism! In fact, my line education vigorously denies that this may be the case. For those interested,
I remember that all the philosophical traditions of the world's knowledge connected idealistic, materialistic
be aware. But in my tradition of teaching, we teach that the Buddha-Dharma is neither one nor the other,
but it is based on the action, which is sort of the interface between the world ideas, and that of
matter (which is simply the result of our physical sensations).

But, in contrast, I see everyone talking about major Buddhist principles, while rejecting
the world with horror the possibility that the Buddha-dharma can be taught and applied
limited way, when we are dealing with people who are not willing to go further. Gradualism! Good. The work of Bernard Faure seem to show that there are at least a strong suspicion of tampering
in how this controversy has come down to us. So perhaps not overemphasize
penalty in this case. For too long, the Zen is wallowing in anti-intellectualism, which paradoxically is not a
else for that matter. And, failing to understand what some projections matched anti-intellectual,
made by guys who were in the field of intellectuality of big names (I'm referring to collections of koans
), we finally mumble the words stupidly dead are no better than any other words
dead. The Words have meaning only alive, so I think it's time we took
the extent of the need to provide them with fertile ground, if we want the flower buds.
And this soil, he will have come from living people, people who live, work, and go
come he never will be formed on a single elite dry, too lost or in a junk
esotericism, either in an academic study particularly rich in intellectual,
but detached from the reality of how that wants to be the Buddha Dharma.


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