Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Finger Prints Tattoos

Shinji Shobogenzo, collection of koans master Dogen


A layman named it Ho-Jo asked District teacher Sekito: What kind of person is independent of all things and all phenomena?

Master Sekito covered his mouth with his hand.

To this the Lay realized the truth clearly and suddenly.

Another time, he asked the same question to Master Baso Do-itsu.

Ho was told: What kind of person is independent of all things and all phenomena?

Master Baso Do-itsu said I will answer you when you drank all the water in the river Seiko one gulp. The secular

realized the truth when they spoke.

Commentary Nishijima roshi

"A person independent of all things and all phenomena" means someone who reached the Buddhist truth. Ho asked the teacher to him describe the state of a person who has transcended the world of things and related phenomena. He had asked this question and was about to sit down to hear the response of the master.

Sekito Then he had placed his hand over her mouth. This represents a shift from idealistic sphere or mental issue in the tangible world with one hand and a real mouth. Ho had asked his question and suddenly found himself unable to speak, just as it was impossible for the master to say anything that could describe the state of arousal. The sudden change in the world of the intellect to the material world has to Ho we clearly see the two aspects of reality. He was able to discover the nature of a person who is independent of all things and all phenomena.

The second part of the koan is similar. Lay poses his question and the teacher returns it as an application just as impossible. This shows the nature of the first phase: it is easy to imagine swallowing river water Seiko in one gulp, but do it in reality is something else.

It is easy to create an image of a person awake or theorize complex or opinions, but actually live in reality, actually sit on his cushion and practice is an entirely different order.


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