The collection of koans master Dogen
One day a monk asked the master Tosu Daiso District Jo: How is when the moon is not round? Tosu
Master replied: The moon swallowed two or three moons.
The monk said: What about when it becomes round? Tosu
Master replied: She vomited seven or eight.
Commentary master Nishijima
This koan about the relationship between concepts and concrete things. Before we saw the difference between concepts and reality, we tend to believe that the concepts themselves are real. After noticing this difference, we can accept many conceptual representations of reality that goes beyond all these representations. How
is when the moon is not round? The full moon has often symbolized the state of enlightenment or ultimate reality. Master Daido Tosu (Tosu Jisai in the text) said that the moon of the concept "moon" swallowed two or three real, that is to say that the concept is not the same as the real moon. The complexity and ever-changing nature of the real moon is simplified and obscured by the concept "moon".
And what about when the moon becomes round - after we had direct experience of reality? So the real moon spits out many different concepts that have tried to describe some of its aspects. The latter, in all its variability, changing moment by moment, transcends the seven or eight "moons" conceptual.
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