Shinji Shobogenzo, collection of koans master Dogen
Master Joshu Jushin District Jo asked the teacher Nansen: What happens to a person who has acknowledged? Where is she?
Master Nansen replied: He will live in the house of a benefactor of the temple facing the entrance gate of the temple and became a buffalo neutered.
Joshu Jushin said I thank the teacher for lessons I just received.
Master Nansen replied: Last night at midnight, the moon came through my window.
Commentary Nishijima Roshi:
This koan begins so idealistic master Joshu the question on the behavior of a person acknowledging reality. Perhaps, like many of our contemporaries, he has had an idealized vision of such a person: "What is the behavior of the great saints who live in the clear reality without barriers? What miracles they perform How do they express their sublime wisdom? "
Master Nansen denied these things. He took the abstract idea of Joshu and applied to a very concrete and practical. Master Nansen was getting old. Before long, the rigorous life of the temple could be too hard for him. Where would he go? It would go a benefactor of the temple, not too far off when he lead the life of a "castrated buffalo" , who lives in peace and quiet without causing trouble to anyone. Where does a person who can recognize reality? What is she doing? It is simply what's required. Joshu Jushin
esprima gratitude for the teachings of his master and the koan ends with the fourth phase: the reality itself. Master Nansen explains the simple wonder of reality: the moonlight shining through his window late at night. All situations have the same simple beauty.
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