Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dry Cervical Mucus Right Before Menstruation

Shinji Shobogenzo the collection of koans master Dogen


Ryo, the Zasu (master of the temple) Mount Sei Ko District, one day became the disciple of Baso. (Mazu)

Master Baso said: sutra Which do you rely for your course?

Ryo replied On the Heart Sutra

Master Baso said: How do you speak?

Ryo replied I speak with my mind (made by the same character for heart)

Master Baso said: The spirit is the main actor, the actor will support and after six senses, so how can you talk Sutra?

Ryo replied If you can not speak to the spirit of the Sutra, you say so that only the empty space can talk?

Master Baso said: Even empty space can talk.

Ryo started to leave, slamming the sleeves of his kolomo. Master Baso recalled.

Master Baso said: Kansu!

Ryo turned his head.

Master Baso said: From birth to death, that is all!

Ryo realized the truth and hid on Mount Sci. Nobody knew what had become of him afterwards.

Commentary Gudo Nishijima roshi

The title "Zasu" suggests that a master Buddhism teaches that theory. The question "How do you speak Sutra?" also means "How do you express your life Buddhist?" Ryo's response was totally inadequate because Buddhism that expresses or can not understand that the intellect is not really Buddhism. At best, this is a pale ghost of Buddhism.

Ryo could not accept the criticism and tried to make fun of Master Baso by retorting "Do you think one can speak of empty space Sutra?" But instead of defending the attack, master Baso replied "Indeed, you begin to get close ". Buddhism is a study of reality and its purpose and its base is the fundamental reality itself.

Ryo took this response to signs of the folly of his master. Rising to leave the room, he waved his arms, ostensibly to demonstrate his pride at having defeated his master, but overtook the Baso by throwing "From birth to death, that is all!" . These words have suddenly released his little intellectual game, forcing him to face reality here and now. It is just that, "said the master, two human beings born in the world and both deserve to die, the living reality moment by moment.

After realizing the truth, Ryo disappeared forever in the mountains. What a contrast with his previous attitude, so full of arrogance!


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