Shinji Shobogenzo, collection of koans master Dogen
Obaku Master Ki-One Mount Obaku in the district of Ko asked the master Hyakujo Ekai: When I want to share with others the lessons that you gave us, how should I teach?
Master Hyakujo Ekai remained sitting on his pillow and said nothing.
Obaku Ki-one said: How can I teach the son and grand-son of the disciples in the future?
Master Hyakujo Ekai said What you just said proves that you are somebody big.
Commentary Gudo Nishijima Roshi
This koan is similar to the history of Devanam Sakra Indra asked the Buddha "How can I protect those who wish to practice the Dharma?" , what the Buddha had responded by asking "Can you see the Dharma that you want to protect? Where is it? The desire to protect the Dharma is the same as that of protecting the area. The Buddhist practitioners protect Dharma and protect themselves by living in truth. "
The first question was abstract Obaku master. He wanted to know the best way to convey the intellectual content of the teachings of his master. The response Hyakujo was similar to that of Buddha, and more direct. He responded by presenting his own Buddhist practice, while sitting in zazen.
Master Obaku understood the value of the behavior of his master. So he put a more practical question. How could he convey the teachings of the future people with whom he would have no direct contact. In response, master Hyakujo simply told him that his (that of Obaku) understanding of the actions of his master, as well as his concern for the future disciples, showed he was a man living in reality.
Hyakujo Master was pleased qu'Obaku could pass the level of abstract philosophy at a more convenient and practical concern for his disciples and their descendants. He had no doubt about the ability to solve his problem Obaku.
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