"In praise of Frontiers of Regis Debray
Back Cover: 'In France, everything weighs and counts and said he wants to' borderless'. And if the border was not an illusion, an escape, a coward? Across the globe, and against all expectations, widening or new and revived ancient borders. This is the reality. In
good European, I choose to celebrate what others lament: the frontier as a vaccine against the epidemic of walls remedy to indifference and safeguard the living.
Hence the manifesto against the grain, that surprises and unusual, but, deciphering our past, dares to face the future. '
Notice JB: no introduction Regis Debray, a real key to everything (writer, philosopher, etc., etc. ...), to which we owe the book
Interviews Allende in Chile on the situation .
The BdB has no color and no political purpose other than to share our literary critics. The political elements described below are therefore presented in the only logical comprehension Praise Border and nothing else.
Indeed, me walking around on the canvas as I often do before each critical to confront my point of view "hot" with other readers, I was surprised to see quoted on many occasions this book on political blogs or sites rather "conservative".
Reminder (source Wikipedia): On the show Medici Library of LCP on March 20, 2010, Regis Debray says "If, after discussion, it forces me to classify between right and left I would say left-wing Gaullist, even, to the chagrin of some, left-wing Gaullist! Honestly, I very difficult to find any interest whatsoever in the internal politics of France today. "
Strange coincidence? Ambiguity of the subject matter? Complexity of the discourse of the author? That's what we'll try to find out.
This book is actually the text of a lecture given at the Maison Franco-Japanese in Tokyo March 23, 2010. 96 pages, published by Gallimard (the small off-white books are serious and you need to regularly cross the shelves).
The premise of the reflection of the author could be summarized well: there is a general tendency to confuse what is felt and what is understood about the concept of borders. While we hear of people "without" borders (including economic and related to the flow of information), we often forget the importance of feelings and the importance of "border" as constitutive of the identity. Through this little hundred pages, Regis Debray we will attempt to demonstrate the pervasiveness of the border (often natural), their importance, and potential risks of a world that would hide (NB: we speak here of "border "Broadly, the skin like a wall being two examples).
The examples and ideas succeed one another at a pace which we consider "important" throughout this argument (including the author's favorite themes as the concept of "sacred" itself of the Christian faith )
Examples / explanations without you "summarize" the test, you will hopefully be a foretaste enough to convince you to buy it or not (and certainly not to convince you or not to join his theses):
- We live in a world that we think without borders thanks al'abrogation many borders or economic development of the internet. But if you look closely, there has never fought much (meaning "war") to border (He takes his argument further in this idea, stating that the border areas with "soft" are more prone to conflicts).
- Since "God" that "separates" (meaning "Earth / Water"), the boundaries have always existed (He then cites many historical references which Romulus / Remus). They allow us to create " order "in" chaos "to" draw a line in / out, to remove before adding. " The former priests "tracers" have given way to secular priests, "the Supreme Arbitration passing arbitrary." Fallen from heaven, we seek the "sanctuary protector."
- To protect themselves and his integrity as an individual, "it concludes, it consecrates to materialize, it buries and separates the believer fights for a tangible symbol": the outside is more "great" and uncertain the more one looks for a "home". "The power amputated to better embed and what the ego loses in size it makes up for in length. "The boundaries enclose and amputated (not to be with me everywhere) but rest assured," Delinquency n'intériorise essentially no concept of limits, it believes it has an answer for everything and feels at home everywhere. "
- "The wall prohibited the border is a sieve, which is logical since it is there to filter." He defended the wealth of trade against the dangerous uncontrolled melting pot. "The house mothers religious replace natural homes, small children rediscover their ancestry in diaspora are more intolerant than their ancestors. " "When we no longer know who you are, it is well with everyone and begin with tonight."
You come out so many big ideas for the author:
- The concept of border "human" has always existed, we have even been created like that, so it is quite natural and important to them be fixed (many examples are exposed) and discern the notion of borders "economic" or "media"
- The author of numerous religious references, which may limit the strength of his arguments in a public non-believer (I invite you to read some of his quotes on the internet).
- The concept of border "geography" as a filter ("Migration flows, movement and mixing of men are welcome, but the patchwork quilt as a global confrontation that miscegenation").
To read or not? So what about all this? Firstly that the author is probably driven by a certain passion that shows through clearly on reading the text, which does not fail to give him a living and raw side but also a certain effect " bombing "that night sometimes to the homogeneity of the book (many many examples, structures, sometimes blurred, overlapping concepts, etc., etc. ...). That whatever one may think, it remains (and it is only my opinion) a text "engaged" it is probably easier to understand if one knows a little of the author and his writings. This "reading or not" judge the book, not the ideas defended or author. I'll say a quick "yes" to the relative ease of construction, anything interesting references too numerous and original approach to the topic Treaty.