Monday, January 31, 2011

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"The Cloven Viscount" by Italo Calvino

Back Cover
"During a battle against the Turks, Medard Terralba, Chevalier genoa, is cut in two by a cannonball. Its two halves continue to live separately, one doing good, the other mutilating everything in its path.
This story is brimming with humor and cynicism. Calvino's imaginary world where severed fingers indicate the road ahead, where the lepers live a happy, yet all the colors of reality. And The Cloven Viscount brilliantly proves that virtue as the absolute evil are equally inhuman. "

Notice Emmanuel
prefaced my reading of our book of the month of February ( If on a winter's night a traveler ), this short novel was for me the opportunity to experience the style of Italo Calvino, a famous Italian novelist of the twentieth century. Both say immediately, that first glimpse was more than satisfactory as the topics are fun condensed in this little gem.
The story told by The Cloven Viscount is totally exuberant adventure that is the Viscount of Terralba Medard, sliced into two entities opposite along a line passing through the nose and navel during a battle. Or rather should we say the peregrinations of its two halves, one good and one bad that sowing misery and hope among the people of the province, competing as it should be representatives of these trends antithetical.
However, if you are not totally allergic to the unlikelihood, this original and simple idea immediately gives the narrative an air of philosophical tale that encourages reading between the lines and the many moral reflections are blown Calvino. Starting with a formidable critic of Manichaeism, represented by two half-Viscounts unsubtle and therefore necessarily wrong. But we also appreciate the size of bildungsroman for young narrator at the gates of adulthood, or small spears aimed at false devotees, extremities which can lead to the exclusion ...
All this in a light style and full of heartfelt irony that lies on place names and characters (Préchampignon, Pierreclou) details incongruous but delicious (fingers cut to indicate the path on the battlefield, goat and duck Pamela who follow it to the church, the antics of Dr. Trelauwney). The reading is made even easier and enjoyable, with the ability to navigate its way between the different levels of reading none of which is to denigrate.

To read or not?
Oh yes! Easy, entertaining, enlightening, philosophical tale of the twentieth century is a reading of the recommendations, which could also advantageously replace a few old-fashioned standards of our literature programs at the college. It seems more that this novel opens a trilogy (entitled Our Ancestors) also consists of Baron Perché and Nonexistent Knight. Delicious moments ahead!

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Run Faster

I take this opportunity to tell you about one of my pillows, the pretty spectacle is a creation of Rose Potato aka Rachel Peloquin of Atelier Beau Travail. While we're at is the one with the dead tree is an old Ikea bag at the time they were pretty, and behind it is the internal 33 T Melody Nelson . By land and my collection of IT at my feet boots Andre 2007 collection.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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"Love" by Toni Morrison

Back Cover
In the forties, Bill Cosey owned a hotel for wealthy blacks on the East Coast of the United States
; everything the community had to artists, doctors, businessmen and women of the world had to navigate. In 1971, at his death, everything changes ...
Already on the decline, the old idyllic place turns into a battlefield where opposing women obsessed by the figure of Bill: May, Christine, Heed, Junior, Vida and even L can not forget the man who embodied their desire for a father, husband, lover, protector, friend. Both the vacuum and the center of their history, powerful, charismatic, shadowy, monstrous, he himself was driven by dark forces troubled past and an unforgettable woman named Celestial.

Notice JB:
Like many, I discovered Toni Morrison (Nobel Prize in 1993) through Beloved A very good book that many have probably just started one day, the fault of one frame and the characters sometimes a bit "complicated."
Bill Cosey is a man apart. Black, he owns one of the biggest hotels in the city. At his death he leaves a draft will, that will eventually plunge those who loved, hated or served in a war powers and memories. Through the story of his granddaughter, his cook and his wife tearing at his death, we find throughout the book which was really Bill Cosey and why his death has created so many passions.

Love (appreciate originality in the selection of titles by the author) is also the diary of a community (African Americans) in search of identity in an era and a country where whites run Blacks and running. Before the riots and the civil rights riots, Bill Cosey was ahead of its time, having managed to find the perfect balance between the ancestral father figure that everyone respects and astute businessman who commands admiration by its financial success. "Man" is both a husband, father, protector and a second (much calls him "Dad"). It is "good" and "fair", and since he "understands" and "subvient" we come to forgive the unforgivable. Even his death is still disputed is its "attention", being those of a silent war, still living who knew him.
Toni Morrison's style is of uncommon accuracy, especially in its ability to transcribe our emotions with the smell of a dish or the tension of an argument. She has this ability to discover more cleverly his characters, few, but we do not discover the true history or the real intentions slowly over narrative. It seems that the author prepares us very gently, carefully to better reveal the intrigues of his story, just like a big thriller in under an atmosphere "great fresco" type Hauts de Hurleven t (no offense, I enjoyed this book.)

To read or not?
Yes. A great book carried by a living writing and chopped, a true success story that deserves to be immersed in it. Without doubt my discovery of the young years 2011, no doubt you reread in the coming months a review of Toni Morrison ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Prepare For A Va Appraisal

"Latest News quagmire" Alexander Ikonnikov

Back Cover:
What to do leg of the peasant Krotov has cut her husband one evening in dispute watered? How to use a washing machine without water drain? The questions that confront the characters Ikonnikov are always unexpected ... and hilarious.
With a keen sense of satire, he gives us in these new a striking picture of contemporary Russia, full of humor, tenderness ... and vodka!
Ikonnikov Alexander was born in 1974 in Urshum the banks of the Vyatka. After studying German, he moved to Kirov and devoted himself to writing. Lizka and his men, his first novel, is also available at points.

Thursdays Internet - the opinion of Christine
Translated, very well translated by Antoine Volodin, known also as the author ( I swear I read too), this collection of short stories is published by Threshold in the collection points and had been a favorite in my library ...
What I like is to find the Russian spirit and broader Slavic (my background), the writing is effective, you get lost as the characters in a post-Soviet Russia where everything is falling water. It is crude, the absurd, the comical ... It also help to laugh and cry. Happy reading to you, if you book falls into the hands one evening, I do not care much for the night under the duvet .... You do not let go and you have a rare sense of jubilation in the face of grotesque life .... Because if we see the Russians, former communists, he hides behind a whole humanity. And a phenomenal mess!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cruising In Public Toilet

"Saint-Germain or negotiation" by Francis Walder

Back Cover:
Malassise Henry and Baron de Biron, authentic peace negotiators of Saint-Germain, which was signed in 1570, are grappling with two gentlemen Huguenots. Feints, laborers, the compromises that they use for the possession of two cities, Sancerre and Angoulême is the matter of this story, much more psychological than historical. A woman might seem, rather enigmatically, weaves a plot and disappears when the treaty was concluded and that ends the book.
The author recalled a variety of international missions he accomplished during his career. Wanting to learn and to revive it, he put his experience as part of a historic treaty. In fact, what we offer is a "portrait of bargaining."
He shows his finesse, his tricks, his tricks. Under the caution of the characters and the simplicity of the story, one sees huge and ferocious passions.

Notice of Matthias:
"The truth is the opposite of lies, betrayal is not the opposite of serving, hate is not the opposite of love, trust is not the opposite of mistrust or falsity of righteousness. "It
by this aphorism that opens the story of the narrator, Henry Malassise, but fictional story based on historical fact, a negotiator on behalf of King Charles IX and Queen Mother Catherine de Medici, peace with the Huguenots called "Peace of St. Germain." In a sober and stripped, the diplomat remembers twenty years later, days before the conclusion of peace, and during which he had to show his talent to reach an agreement satisfactory to the parties, Catholics and Protestants. This peace was his victory in the shadows will not last. The massacres of Saint Bartholomew's Day will be held August 24, 1572.

This novel, which won the Goncourt 1958, I left a good impression. In a narrow space of some 180 pages, the story focused on a single event, he managed to form a small perfection at its conventional manner. Here, no delirium or caricature, it is by his restraint, his diplomatic style while, that the author, himself a former diplomat, manages to captivate the reader.
matter will help. To my knowledge this is the only novel aimed concrete negotiation, this activity rather pejorative reputation, full of deception and secrecy, and yet when you think about it, passionate. I discovered with great pleasure the mindset, attitude, the negotiator, and techniques which he uses to practice his "art." Saint-Germain or negotiation among these novels where much of the pleasure of the reader is in the discovery of a field he thought he not know, or so little, and which proves an essential part of what makes life.
novel is also a very human, material or has the rights. The narrator and his alter-ego Huguenots face the distance between the abstraction of their discussion, the words of a treaty, and the realities they mean: this city and all its existence, knowing, at a stroke Feather, a different fate, with sometimes tragic consequences. Thought that the narrator maintains or rejects it according to, forced to reason well, to keep his cool. The mission of the negotiator, who is as much of the interest calculation and the analysis of human nature, is thus depicted by the author in all its difficulty and beauty. Beyond ideologies and wars, Francis Walder shows us human beings who discuss and which, a priori, any opposing camps, seeking common. They discover each other, appreciate the point of risking the friendship, or love. Without going there altogether. They disappear once the treaty. It ruled that, had them closer to the point of realizing, to recognize and love each other a moment, then separating forever, because if this is unreasonable, the mistress of safe Diplomat: raison d'etat. For the narrator, Henry Malassise, it is joy but also his tragedy is the spice of life and this novel, where form and content come together beautifully.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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"Home of certain death" Albert Cossery

Back Cover:
"Tapie at the top of the alley of the Seven Daughters, the house of Khalil If the owner disgusting, cracked under the burst and finished to convert in ruins. I must say the atrocious truth. This house was standing by a miracle. Only the son of a bitch, blinded by abject poverty, could shelter their wretched existence between these crumbling walls. A portable lamp vulgar merchant lettuce from in the alley, made her totter on its base. Also, to prevent danger, we had blocked access to the alley at any kind of vehicle, and even some vendors, whose voice is too powerful could - by air movements harmful - to precipitate the disaster. "

notice of Emmanuel
On the BdB, we criticize a bit of everything. Contemporary writers sometimes under much more often lately. Of known and little known in roughly equal proportion. Writers whose books we like ... or not at all. But it is not so common to find an unknown author which we appreciate or books. Rarer still fall in love with one of them. Yet, in our mind in all cases, the raison d'être of a literary blog, which beyond mixed views on works shelled thousand times elsewhere, must provide original discoveries and quality guarantee ( almost). What this criticism tries to do ...

Albert Cossery an Egyptian writer who is always written in French (and having lived in France, in a hotel room in Saint-Germain-des-Pres in 1940 to his death in 2008). His work, with a total of 10 novels and collections of poems, although it had some influence on the artistic (adaptations in comics, film) remains largely unknown, as evidenced by the limited volume of sales of his works (the latest edition of The Home of certain death back to 1998!).
This short novel, which chronicles the life and struggle of the unfortunate tenants (in every sense) of a ruined house in a poor neighborhood of Cairo, however, deserves to be widely read. The poor wretches who are the heroes, colorful, strong character without ever falling in the cartoon, forced by fate to a dangerous promiscuity, survive as best they could, ie, they bicker it, or jealous of them there to help each day, while remaining deeply alone . Only primarily deal with the anguish of his death threatening and unpredictable (the house may collapse at any moment), well isolated together against the injustice of poverty and hunger.
The light tone , writing simple, tasty and humor (which largely involves a sense of insult and truly delicious whole East-the very one that made me read the Valiants Albert Cohen so delectable-) allow Cossery to denounce with all the more to the anxiety of man facing death, poverty and all the uncertainties arising from (hunger and ends almost in animal which it urges man, jealousy ...) and injustice in general.
The result has an evocative brilliant to me all the more touching than the death house some never tries to cry, instead preferring morning the harsh reality of saving a touch of derision.

To read or not? After
I discovered Titus d'Enfer, Home of certain death is my second favorite in recent months. I recommend it all the more hotly it is easy, fast, and that this novel has an air of universality, even as a fable, which should appeal to almost any reader. Go a little
final quote to make you want:
"However, the court had become the center of a drama confused. Children, terribly obscene, excited their mothers and grew in the massacre. These in turn distributed them arm slaps masterful. The cries and shrieks followed each other at a rate spasmodic. And with all that, the cold bit like a mad dog. "

Friday, January 21, 2011

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"Escape From Hell!" Hal Duncan

Back Cover:
Eli is a bum, broken, burnt out, Belle a prostitute who seeks to escape her pimp. Matthew is a young gay man, a hitman Seven ruthless. They do not know but come together on the same boat ... bound for Hell. Hell A somewhat unusual, which could be New York but is a copy ... frankly staggered. All four, armed with their own worries and accompanied by a strange People, have more then one thing in mind: finding a way to escape.

The opinion of JB: A fourth
coverage could be that of an ordinary series B, an illustration kitsch as a Scottish writer who works part time as a computer programmer, it must out the popcorn or matches?

shots well Four characters will find themselves to their death in "hell". Will they discover there is a bad remake of our plump-Western societies Americanos (TV show, moral rehabilitation etc., etc. ...), midway between New York 1997 (without Snake) and 1984. Meanwhile, the killer (who is called "Seven" AC can not be invented) will be tortured, the prostitute is a prostitute, the tramp will be sidelined, and the young Mathew interned. Obviously, envious and dissatisfied with their situation they will try to escape. In their quest, they will be helped by Lucifer "himself", held captive for 4000 years by Gabriel.
Quid characters then? The killer is black (picture 1), a bastard is going to discover a heart (picture 2), which sometimes begins his sentences with "white boy" (photo 3) and called "Seven" (picture 4). The prostitute is a junkie (photo 1), who died at the hands of her pimp (photograph 2), and that hell will prostitute by a police officer (photo 3). If we add that the tramp will be found among the "forgotten" to hell (because-that-is-hell with it-real-world-in-worse-it-all), we accumulated enough shots to make it a questionable book (ah?). Do not be too strong or too hard, then Lucifer? Milton must be turning in his grave 150 times, so this is Lucifer schoolboy, devoid charisma and uninteresting.
Well ... then the style, history? I had my share of questionable style for the month from about page 7. The alternating action introspective phase is clumsy and poorly thought while having the knack of bringing nothing to the story, the book is written (translated?) As a bad action movie, the pleasure of zapping and less. The story that started from a good feeling is incredible, and comes together already seen (especially at the end of the book) without pleasure. Let us add that a few passages that are supposed to be funny and which are not, the sequence of clichés and the scenario heated, and you get Escape from Hell! (Even the exclamation point, anyway ...)

To read or not? :
The scope of hell reflection of our consumerist society that crushes individuality and exacerbates inequalities, we can forget. I will say a resounding "NO" and I'm going to think about why I bought this book.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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"Nadja" by Andre Breton

Back Cover
No fourth couv Edition Cubs Folioplus for Classics.

Notice Camille
I missed out on Nadja in high school, which was more or less in the program tray of letters in French or just about time, except in the window like me directly concerned. Fortunately, the copy I had on hand is an edition for children, with backrest and illustrations. The record proved unavoidable, and almost more interesting than the text itself.

What happens in Nadja is pretty hard to say: the narrator, André Breton himself, crosses the street one day a strange young woman, who has renamed itself Nadja. He discusses, they spend all their time together during a few weeks hanging out in Paris by exchanging drawings, and then she was interned in a psychiatric hospital, and move on.
must go bravely to finish the thing without being forced. Breton was strongly opposed to a lot of traditional narrative techniques, as the illusion of separation between the author and the narrator, the concept of characters, basically build a "story". The text then walk through evocation, association of ideas and jumps of the rooster to the donkey, and the only thread about Nadja driver itself, which says replied, when asked to introduce themselves, the type of things "I am the wandering soul. "The project
surreal Nadja in particular are quite painful to my ears. The posture of Breton is very dated, and today seems quite naive. Believe in the possibility to dispense with reason, to overcome any short-reach creating a "pure" seems both childish and slightly repulsive.
And the brutality, the significance of the break surreal are difficult to measure for the man today, after the readymade, the Pop Art and lobster inflatable Jeff Koons.
But my editing folder tells me we should keep in mind the horrible stuffy atmosphere of the 1920s and their mean-spirited attempt to return to normal after the Great War, and thus put into perspective the current rage Breton and the incredible fecundity of his group. A vanguard hundred years old, you think! It's hard to take seriously.
Nadja I think is more interesting for its importance in the history of art and ideas, as for the quality entertainment that is available.
must therefore be read alongside, and before and after, we must seek Dada and Aragon and then Oulipians and give a little time in our lives convulsions * in art, design, shape . Not easy!
fairly funny, the peer of Breton has spent a whole lot of time to lay flowers, then shouted down each other, fall passionately in love with the mistress / wife of another and trigger disputes and intellectual flamboyant super petty disputes in the public square. For an overview, read the Third Manifesto of Surrealism by Robert Desnos who falter Breton until almost the color of his socks.
* The CAPS are inspired by Breton, for those who have read the book

Yes and no.
Yes if you want a little Kultur in good philistine educated, and better understand how the artistic thought has evolved in the twentieth century.
Not if you're in the metro / train / sleigh and want to kill time. This is not a novel or an essay, and the weird format does not allow the concentration of purring. To go fast, it could damn you drunk.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

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"What is the Third Estate?" Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes

Back Cover:
We know the plan, has become famous, the first part of the brochure Sieyes: 1.
What is the Third Estate? Everything. 2. What has it been hitherto in the political order? Nothing. 3. Request that he? To be something. Greater political firebrand, written with force and brutality rare, What is the Third Estate? published in January 1789, immediately making its author famous and a resounding success. Sieves the nobility to attack "foreign to the Nation," paints a negative assessment of past policy and shows the task ahead. What to do to make people happy? Resorting to the nation and not the privileged, because the nation is, it is the origin of everything. The Nation must therefore give freely and the Constitution laws that protect citizens and decide the common interest. And will lay the foundations of the new society. Work of circumstance, What the Third Estate? became one of the founding texts of modern society.

notice of Emmanuel
I know nothing about politics and I no better history. The idea of reading What is the Third Estate? I actually came to listen to the courses currently gives to the College of France Pierre Rosanvallon (Chair of Modern History and contemporary politics) entitled What is a democratic society? The first hours of the course (I regret not having gone further), as a preamble to the exploration of the question, are interested in the notion of equality between men. In this context, this short essay by Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes was repeatedly cited and challenged me.
To summarize this introduction full of detours: the opinion that follows is by no that of a specialist, but more of a curious neophyte interested in a burst of humanism, see the writing on most famous one of the fathers of the French Revolution.

Lu in the edition whose cover is reproduced above (classical fields), I must emphasize the quality of it, made so simply that precision: a short text aired but a sober cover and pleasant, and above all a preface short enough to be read and highly informative. We thus learn that EJ was Abbe Sieyes and therefore a member of the clergy, he wrote several political essays in 1788 before publishing What is the Third Estate? in January 1789. It also takes the measure of the impact of the text in society the time and discovered how Sieyes, Third elected member State in May 1789, will help implement its proposal for a national assembly and affect the drafting of the Declaration of Human Rights and constitution of 1791 before giving up gradually on the front of the stage.
Turning finally to the text, which is a plea for reasoned assumption popular sovereignty, I must say that I particularly liked two dimensions. First, the term political firebrand highlighted along with other superlatives in the back cover is perfectly appropriate : It is a real political discourse, committed, confident, well-argued book that Sieyes, a speech to excite the fiber "of the political debate Sunday noon" that lies within us. A speech like you've hardly heard today (regardless of any partisan belief). The second is the broad scope of the first part of the text, organized around the map reproduced above, which, dissecting the special relationship that maintaining the three levels which then comprised of France, is leading some difficulties inherent in all human societies. Thus one can cite a few sentences we might as well have noted yesterday in a newspaper article (The language is perhaps a little too strong):
"We are not free by privileges, but rights citizens, rights which belong to everyone. "
" It is dreadful to hear profane the sacred name of liberty to conceal the designs which are most opposed. "
" You're vain, it is not unlike the professions, nor fortune, nor the lights which divides people is that of interest. "
In the second part of the text (In fact two thirds following), Sieyes, naturally, argues and offers. It then goes from general to specific, from the theoretical to the technical and curious quickly losing ... and bored.

To read or not?
Objectively, the experience is interesting, but I do not think the game really worth the effort if you're not an expert or particularly interested in the subject. If you feel the urge to form a body of knowledge in political science, rather take the time to listen to the podcast mentioned above, for my taste (again ignorant of in this respect) exciting and relatively accessible.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

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"Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" by Edgar Allan Poe

Back Cover:
"Gordon Pym is both a novel and turn initiation, transgression and revelation, which has the classical form of the" trip " . The trip is in a spatial form the passage of time, but also the initiation of the adolescent who becomes a man then disappeared into a secret of the Ultima Thule. So first a sort of "bildungroman" whose first chapter, which is eighteen months before the real journey, this child Pym, in his first transgression. At the most simple, Gordon Pym belongs to the tradition of the Bildungsroman. Classic novel of initiation, it first disobedience, and a lie (the false letter of invitation), and finally a fugue. Fugue, the revolt against the family is essential here breaking the original transgression which will in turn result in initiation and revelation. "Jacques Cabau.

Book of the month - double reading: Emmanuel & JB
the Mountains of Madness, HP Lovecraft, if we were left a mixed impression though generally friendly, were able, simultaneously and without any prior consultation, to draw our attention to a work which is quoted several times: the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym EA Poe. References to this work in one of Lovecraft are indeed full of mystery, a mystery that has become untenable for us when we learned that these adventures were the only published novel by the author (he has also written as news) and besides Lovecraft, another (at least) famous novelist admired this novel ... JL Borges. Our book of the month of January was found ...

The notice of Emmanuel
As stated in the preamble, is reading the Mountains of Madness Lovecraft who drew my attention to this novel, I would undoubtedly never read without it. Being a big Borges, a great lover of Stevenson and Jules Verne-time player who does not spit on a little tidbit Lovecraftian the way, it would have been really bad. For this modest novel (we must admit that writing as much of the plot are nothing crazy) is yet to be counted among the great as it feels in the dawn germ fantastic works and subsequent novelists. As
the back cover does not really enlighten you, a quick summary is required. Arthur Gordon Pym is an intrepid young gentleman native of Nantucket (an island off the U.S. east coast, home to the Whale Moby Dick ) who embarks on a ship secretly controlled by the father of one friends and at the same time for perilous adventures that lead him to the South Pole, by passing by a riot, a storm at sea, several episodes of famine and half a dozen occasions to die. Until late as dazzling as it was unexpected (no spoiler sorry), concentrated on just a few pages alone are worth reading the previous 200.
If the language of Poe, objectively quite simple, is very well served by the translation of Baudelaire, a rigorous, many didactic passages, that concern the ideal way to secure the loading of a ship, geographical coordinates of the ship recalled on each page of the trip or the ornithological wonders of this or that island are the lengths that we would have ben past (however they are very well accepted in this type of novel, mostly written in 1838).
If I was dazzled by AGP, but rather because it collects and foreshadows the themes and narrative elements that will become dear to many subsequent novelists I particularly like:
- I can not help seeing in these stories of fiery young boy in search of adventure, navigators of the southern seas and mutiny a prelude to the invincible archetype of what adventure novel Treasure Island that Stevenson wrote 40 years later (and Moby Dick Melville I know little).
- The tribute to this book by the Mountains of Madness is now almost transparent and is echoed in my mind my comment about the appearance of the text dated from Lovecraft. Because the relationship extends to the objective of the journey into the mysteries sheltered by it, but also relates to style (very scientific) and language.
- The only way to bring Poe, insidiously but vigorously a fantastic story in a very dark far clearly rooted in the reality of daily life (even special) is very similar to the one used 120 years later our dear Borges in several news I have read (The report Brodie and The Gospel according to Mark to name two, taken from Report Brodie read recently).
- I almost said that the rapprochement between AGP and the work of Jules Verne seemed tempting but more uncertain, when a quick check on Wikipedia tells me that he had written in 1897 nothing less than the following Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym called The Sphinx of Ice . Imagine the impact of this on reading the rest of his work.

To read or not?
A Resounding yes, for two reasons. For grades literary work first, with a few laps in no trump some great moments like the episode of the short-straw and what follows from or end of the novel. For its cultural dimension because then AGP seems now like a novel essential founder of a whole literature of adventure and fantasy literature that I really enjoy.

Notice JB:
When I think of Poe, it reminds me Extraordinary Stories (also translated by Baudelaire) with The purloined letter, read a few years ago already with a lot of fun.
its release in Britain and the United States in 1838, AGP has fallen sharply by critics who described it as a poor adventure novel, full of inconsistencies and extremist violence in the subjects. Poe eventually lose interest in this work, Baudelaire (who lives at that time many of his translations) will not always reach him either with this book.
Without sharing the interest of Emmanuel to Verne or Stevenson, unlike Borges and Lovecraft (to a lesser extent) are consensus, so ... ...
The verdict frame was perfectly summarized I will not repeat it.
AGP is foremost in my mind, an adventure novel, initiation rites. The young boy of good family who transgresses parental prohibitions, the call of the sea, the discovery of stress and deprivation, trade with someone of a different color (seen in the context of the time), the discovery and excitement of the unknown ... universal subject, very often taken (I will not go for this time in the controversy "which is the first and so what?") but that requires a real talent to be addressed fairly.
Poe and Lovecraft have in common is fond This simple narrative and often close to a diary (you can joke aside, Stoker classified in this category), dated, classified and structured. This choice is, indeed, many the transition real / fantasy, by readers gently into a mood, a signature which wants closer to what the characters live. In terms of "fear" or "horror" themes beloved authors of these 2, they want slow, insidious, understood, unlike the movie-goer who jumps in his seat. It is an approach and style that I appreciate when they are mastered. I spend
voluntarily on the redundant references to navigation, such as Emmanuel they bored me more than anything else.

To read or not?
Without a doubt, a very good book, one of the best in its genre in my opinion. Here and there on the net, rather uncomplimentary comments from people who obviously much time to lose, who "dissect" the book and its inaccuracies (where is Tiger?) On dozens of lines, and I imagine echo critics of the 19th. Make this analysis, say. Conclude that these inaccuracies make it a sloppy book, no. I am often on the SF example, where it has never bothered me that ships propel themselves by a means unknown if it is integrated into the story and it's consistent. AGP is a success story that is well worth a visit ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Do You Darken Louis

"The book unnamed" by an anonymous author

Back Cover:
Santa Mondega, a city in South America ignored by the rest of the world where a terrible secret slumber
... A mysterious serial killer who murders those who had the misfortune to read a book without a name ... enigmatic
The only victim still alive killer's which, after five years in a coma, wakes up amnesiac ...
Two cops very special, a hitman lookalike Elvis Presley, the crime lords, monks martial arts enthusiasts, a gem with a true value, a massacre in a remote monastery, a few winks at Seven and The Ring ... and that's the most rock'n'roll thriller and most exhilarating of the year!

Notice JB:
First and foremost, I want to thank whoever gave me this book, it will recognize.
You read a book that has no title, written by an author who wishes to remain anonymous. The legend continues on the Internet, "Is it that Tarantino would have written? "" Is this a celebrity who wants to remain anonymous? .

recall that at the base, the author began publishing this book in pieces on a website, and was then spotted by an editor (the only one who physically saw the author's claim to particular editions " Sonatine, "which published the book in France). A back cover baby DID have bad bad thing "dressed in black and you have in your hands a book seller and market very well before even knowing the contents. We do not list authors who we are making the semi-anonymity (it's not a wrestling technique) Pynson first (few or no photos, no interviews), because although we are vile consumers attracted by the light of the nice product we love above all the good books (well those that are good for us ).

The story takes place in Santa Mondega, a mysterious city in South America, forgotten men and gods. One of these towns you can imagine almost deserted, with waxed mustache mobsters who sucks tequila, a reckoning medieval girls who dream of a better life by serving the tart with blueberries and dogs half mutants and completely mangy sniffing the garbage. There is no temporal or geographical indications, pure imagination, no doubt, however, since sufficiently thin plate to be left to make a concrete idea. In the remainder of the Far West, a foreigner, bourbon kid will commit a massacre, two monks will try to retrieve an object that could seal the fate of the modern world of bounty hunters kill vampires and an inspector will attempt to elucidate a series of mysterious murders, welcome to "the book without a name."
One way or another, all these characters will eventually meet, love or kill themselves, sometimes without really understanding why.
stories, viewpoints, actions or descriptions follow each other in a maelstrom of hell, which we like or not what is being read, difficult to detach.

As was ably noticed the thousands of discerning readers of this book, the references to the movies / series / music are legion.
If we want to have fun, for example, where we generation Tarantino / Rodriguez to meet those relating to directors what to do there: Scene semi-incestuous revenge for the "Kill Bill" Vampire / Bar in the "Night in Hell" stories overlap in "Pulp Fiction" (I do not pretend that "Pulp Fiction" is invented the style but it seems that for many this is the case) etc. etc.. We will not fail to smile when watching two protagonists when a third person does not know "Buffy" or even when several allusions to "The Usual Suspects" are made.
short you'll understand the target audience is 20-35 years, rather, that of the teenager who has grown up, who called him a genius seeing "Pulp Fiction", which was "marked by" American History X "and Fincher loves because" Seven "was a really good movie (I have a theory semi-secret I'll share that can be One day, about the movies like everyone but do not worship syndrome, RHCP actually arg). What
air actually quite successful since the book was a success and hundreds of posts on various forums list all such references. If we try now our turn to draw a composite sketch of the author we have:
- Age: 30 years
- probably a boy
- probably like a mini-tarantino (a little geek who does not grow)
short it is vague enough to be worth very little, except that the author writes with his references to an audience enough broad to recognize it, Bingo ...

In terms of style and writing talent we will return by cons. It's very simple, low end, in a style a little comic finally, lots of action, lots of stuff, sometimes a little one-upmanship.

To read or not? :
Yes. I took a pleasure to read a little different this little UFO but I liked it. If you have in your cup "Kobayashi," you hesitate to go see "Machete" to the movies, you know by heart Danny Trejo text before the "Tity Twister" or you think "Reservoir Dogs" is almost a movie writer, go for vile "cucarachas enojadas"

Gpsphone Pokemon Gold Shiny Cheats

hello bobby

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Military Retirement Cake Ideas

"Artery underground" by Warren Ellis

Back Cover:
A private adrift, Michael McGill is hired to find a version of the Constitution United States including amendments written in ink invisible alien. Since the 50, the valuable document is passed from hand to hand in exchange for dubious services. For half a million dollars, McGill enters what America has more mad, grotesque, deviant and hilarious. A book briskly guided by the logic of the worst, transgressive exploration of a country crazy and decadent in search of what could change the course of its history ...

notice of Emmanuel
I am among those who enjoy a good book almost as a good novel. For if many people pay little attention to the container to focus solely on content, I am rather sensitive to the quality paper, binding, lettering and overall care given to the edition, which involved much of my reading pleasure. Thus, I can not bring myself to administer to a book, as do many torturers bibliographic these treatments that the law condemns any other object (mutilation, dismemberment, fractures and folds, scars, tattoos, doodles and so on ). And am therefore able to buy a book by chance on the cross only argument of a pretty black and yellow cover featuring a skillfully embossed engraving intriguing ...
But much to say frankly that is sometimes bad idea ...
Artery underground, the first novel by a British author of comics, which recounts the road trip of a private-loser and his assistant sex friend, through the places of debauchery staggered over the United States in pursuit of an alternative American constitution has magical powers that the Chief of Staff junkie White House asked him to return.
Artery underground is a book that wants fun ...
"The macroherpétophilie. Herpétophile, you know, who likes lizards. [...] And Macro to large scale. So people who ... People who want to fuck with Godzilla
... but is not.
Artery underground is a book that tries to make people laugh ...
"I stayed alone in the streets eerily quiet for Las Vegas, and I listened to my penis cry"
... but rarely succeeds.
Artery underground is a novel that aspires to make people think ...
"What I'm trying to say is that there are many more things in the human soul that our definition of puritan lifestyle ideal. Shit, What, over the last two weeks I've done things that are still illegal in some states. [..] Look how porn has changed. "
... but only succeeds in dismay.
Artery underground is ultimately a bad episode of comics without pictures or the superhero ...

To read or not:
If you love bad books, written with the feet, without a hint of suspense or intrigue, yes. Otherwise, no. I would not let me have this coverage razzle-l'oeil. Yet it probably will take me. Whatever ... It is not he first time the Devil Vauvert me this one. Let us beware.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Whipping Scenes Mainstream Movies

"Before Night Falls" by Reinaldo Arenas

Back Cover:
From the naked child who eats the ground in an old farmhouse in Holguin Cuban exile who, at forty-seven patients , killed himself in New York, the existence of Reinaldo Arenas is guided by the visceral conformist who dared to take risks. Vibrant
testimony on the abuses of the Castro dictatorship, Before the night is a literary work composed with full fury and poetry. It is crossed its main themes of choice: a frantic search for beauty, even the moon, always the sea, and unbridled sexuality as a manifestation of absolute freedom and in his case, resistance.
filmed by Julian Schnabel, Before Night Falls was awarded the Grand Special Jury Prize at the 2000 Venice Film Festival.

Notice JB:
Thus ends, as agreed, the trilogy "Babel" ...
Before Night is an autobiographical novel recounting what was the eventful life of a novelist Gay Cuba, since his childhood under Batista and Castro in his youth until his death in exile in the United States in 1990.

Succinct historical reminder: In 1940, Batista was democratically elected president. In 1952 and with the support of the army, he seized power again in a coup d'etat. Cuba was then a relatively prosperous country "in town" (the emergence of a middle class, literacy rates acceptable, etc, etc ...) or the press and culture enjoy relative freedom. The other side of the country is more grim: poverty "in the country, widespread corruption, etc., etc. ... The United States is ubiquitous (controlling most of the local industries and land) and thousands of American tourists spent their holidays in Cuba, where everything is done to distract (Casino, Nightclubs, etc., etc. ...).
Unable to unite his own camp and betrayed by its allies, Batista is struggling to maintain its influence and pressure from the guerrillas committed by Castro and Guevara, he eventually left the country in 1959.
followed by a period of uncertainty (say 1959-1961) when the world (or rather the USA) are waiting for the direction that Castro wants to give to Cuba (I guess having unofficially supported that is a minimum). Following its commitment to becoming more assertive to make Cuba a socialist state, the U.S. decided to "break" the regime from within (financing dissidents, landing in the Bay of Pigs) and external (crisis missiles, etc., etc. ...). True
forward base for the Soviet Union, Cuba will benefit throughout the Cold War Soviet support.

Areines spent his childhood in the family home (her Combray) in the country under the dictatorship of Batista. Fairly quickly, he becomes aware of his homosexuality, he will live almost orientation perpetually in broad daylight and that earned him many problems. Teenager, he decided one day to go and join Castro's guerrillas in the semi-hero into a real little soldier and then he joins the socialist Havana. The anti-homosexual and quality "anti-revolutionary" in his novels he will know the public repudiation, prison and finally exile.

The book is primarily an anti-Castro pamphlets burning. This is the "film" of a Cuban youth torn by two revolutions (the 70 and the "revolution" Socialist) that the power will gradually divest its culture, its distractions and its freedoms. Gradually everything is rationed, counted and sorted. The opposition has no right of citizenship. Homosexuals, artists who do not fall into line are forced to format or go to the next 30 years to life in prison. Under the guise of "revolution," Castro will gradually suppress the population, up to forbid her to swim or to leave the island.

"This is what is really happening in Cuba" is an unofficial subtitle of the book. Areines denounces not only those in power, but especially those who support slides (There are quite a violent diatribe against Garcia Marquez in particular, in the 60s, making Cuba by Castro is welcomed in a rather positive "left" is an international no idea or do not want to make, from hell that Cubans living in daily life). Finally, it is likely that the author fails to support, not jail or beating, but that international indifference, the "loss" of his friends writers (they start to write propaganda official or die literally) and see the culture of his island crumble (On many occasions, he refers to "earth", he also begins his story by telling the taste it had when he ate as a kid).

The book is divided into many small topical chapters, sometimes long, sometimes short, as if the author did not forget anything (without spoiler quite logical when you read the first pages of the book or the one knows the story of the author). The autobiographical helping, you are immediately immersed in the action, characters, places, feelings, and the phases of introspection and descriptive being perfectly alternating. The author was able to strike a difficult balance between the hardness of the subject and the finesse with which he approaches it, one feels a real talent, a real sensitivity.

To read or not? :
A very big yes, really. For me it is a mini masterpiece, I loved it. A fictionalized life with exciting talent in the 500 pages of this book. Let's finish this review with a quote very appropriate for Mr Fidel Castro: "The Cuban model does even more for us", "the state plays too large a role in the economic life of the country." Beautiful ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

House Arrest Ankle Bracelet For Sale

Evèvenement "Review your classic"

the Metaverse Francophone Library invites you to the second performance OpéraBis!

Evening discovery
opera THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO with singing and piano
led by Alain Surrans, live from the Opera de Rennes

Thursday, January 6, 2011 8:00 p.m.
French time / 11 am SLT Paris% 20IledeFrance/90/152/800 in Second Life ™ and operabis / 152/143/98 (link hypergrid) in FrancoGrid . Second evening

OpéraBis duplex since Opera Rennes , "Review your classic" invites you to discover the most beautiful moments of Mozart's masterpiece, The Marriage of Figaro, with commentaries by the director of the Opera of Rennes.

Register free to reserve your seat and watch this performance, immersive and Remote Book HERE

Also stunning and strongly protest the play by Beaumarchais that inspired it, the masterpiece of Mozart shines not only by his great book, but also and primarily by the psychological subtlety of portraits of women and men that delivers her music.

Come and growing!

Audrey Lohard Renoir aka Betty

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Low Hard Cervix Mean Im Not Pregnant

"In praise of Frontiers of Regis Debray

Back Cover:
'In France, everything weighs and counts and said he wants to' borderless'. And if the border was not an illusion, an escape, a coward? Across the globe, and against all expectations, widening or new and revived ancient borders. This is the reality. In
good European, I choose to celebrate what others lament: the frontier as a vaccine against the epidemic of walls remedy to indifference and safeguard the living.
Hence the manifesto against the grain, that surprises and unusual, but, deciphering our past, dares to face the future. '

Notice JB:
no introduction Regis Debray, a real key to everything (writer, philosopher, etc., etc. ...), to which we owe the book Interviews Allende in Chile on the situation .
The BdB has no color and no political purpose other than to share our literary critics. The political elements described below are therefore presented in the only logical comprehension Praise Border and nothing else.
Indeed, me walking around on the canvas as I often do before each critical to confront my point of view "hot" with other readers, I was surprised to see quoted on many occasions this book on political blogs or sites rather "conservative".
Reminder (source Wikipedia): On the show Medici Library of LCP on March 20, 2010, Regis Debray says "If, after discussion, it forces me to classify between right and left I would say left-wing Gaullist, even, to the chagrin of some, left-wing Gaullist! Honestly, I very difficult to find any interest whatsoever in the internal politics of France today. "
Strange coincidence? Ambiguity of the subject matter? Complexity of the discourse of the author? That's what we'll try to find out.
This book is actually the text of a lecture given at the Maison Franco-Japanese in Tokyo March 23, 2010. 96 pages, published by Gallimard (the small off-white books are serious and you need to regularly cross the shelves).
The premise of the reflection of the author could be summarized well: there is a general tendency to confuse what is felt and what is understood about the concept of borders. While we hear of people "without" borders (including economic and related to the flow of information), we often forget the importance of feelings and the importance of "border" as constitutive of the identity. Through this little hundred pages, Regis Debray we will attempt to demonstrate the pervasiveness of the border (often natural), their importance, and potential risks of a world that would hide (NB: we speak here of "border "Broadly, the skin like a wall being two examples).
The examples and ideas succeed one another at a pace which we consider "important" throughout this argument (including the author's favorite themes as the concept of "sacred" itself of the Christian faith )

Examples / explanations without you "summarize" the test, you will hopefully be a foretaste enough to convince you to buy it or not (and certainly not to convince you or not to join his theses):
- We live in a world that we think without borders thanks al'abrogation many borders or economic development of the internet. But if you look closely, there has never fought much (meaning "war") to border (He takes his argument further in this idea, stating that the border areas with "soft" are more prone to conflicts).
- Since "God" that "separates" (meaning "Earth / Water"), the boundaries have always existed (He then cites many historical references which Romulus / Remus). They allow us to create " order "in" chaos "to" draw a line in / out, to remove before adding. " The former priests "tracers" have given way to secular priests, "the Supreme Arbitration passing arbitrary." Fallen from heaven, we seek the "sanctuary protector."
- To protect themselves and his integrity as an individual, "it concludes, it consecrates to materialize, it buries and separates the believer fights for a tangible symbol": the outside is more "great" and uncertain the more one looks for a "home". "The power amputated to better embed and what the ego loses in size it makes up for in length. "The boundaries enclose and amputated (not to be with me everywhere) but rest assured," Delinquency n'intériorise essentially no concept of limits, it believes it has an answer for everything and feels at home everywhere. "
- "The wall prohibited the border is a sieve, which is logical since it is there to filter." He defended the wealth of trade against the dangerous uncontrolled melting pot. "The house mothers religious replace natural homes, small children rediscover their ancestry in diaspora are more intolerant than their ancestors. " "When we no longer know who you are, it is well with everyone and begin with tonight."

You come out so many big ideas for the author:
- The concept of border "human" has always existed, we have even been created like that, so it is quite natural and important to them be fixed (many examples are exposed) and discern the notion of borders "economic" or "media"
- The author of numerous religious references, which may limit the strength of his arguments in a public non-believer (I invite you to read some of his quotes on the internet).
- The concept of border "geography" as a filter ("Migration flows, movement and mixing of men are welcome, but the patchwork quilt as a global confrontation that miscegenation").

To read or not?
So what about all this? Firstly that the author is probably driven by a certain passion that shows through clearly on reading the text, which does not fail to give him a living and raw side but also a certain effect " bombing "that night sometimes to the homogeneity of the book (many many examples, structures, sometimes blurred, overlapping concepts, etc., etc. ...). That whatever one may think, it remains (and it is only my opinion) a text "engaged" it is probably easier to understand if one knows a little of the author and his writings. This "reading or not" judge the book, not the ideas defended or author. I'll say a quick "yes" to the relative ease of construction, anything interesting references too numerous and original approach to the topic Treaty.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blueprint Of A 3d Castle

"Le Gourmet Solitaire" by Jiro Taniguchi

Back Cover
We know almost nothing about him. He worked in the trade, but not in a hurry and he likes women but prefers to live alone and is a gourmet, but he appreciates above all simple cooking class neighborhoods ... This man, c is the gourmet solitaire. Designed by Masayuki Kusumi, this unusual character comes to life under the pen of Jiro Taniguchi, a story mode similar to the Walking Man: each story leads him to taste a dish so typically Japanese reviving buried memories in him, the emergence of new thoughts or arousing of furtive encounters. And a visit to a sushi bar in the middle of the afternoon makes one see the eye of another innocent housewives who frequent the place, or does he realize, at the game of Base- ball, toning of curry ... Le Gourmet Solitaire is a delicacy in the work of Taniguchi.

Notice Emmanuel
For this first critical Manga / Graphic Novel / Comics Jiro Taniguchi, one of the authors mangas "seriousness" of the most recognized in France since its prices in 2003 Quarter Faraway seemed a good choice. This is all that his comics are structurally very "literary" in their narrative and their organization (chapters, many voix-off/intérieures ...). But although it was published by an author consensual Le Gourmet Solitaire is a strange UFO that I enjoyed eating.

In practice, Le Gourmet Solitaire the form of short chapters (I want to tell stories), the culinary travels in Japan every day a salesman well known little state civilian, but throughout the book, a lot of food tastes and state of mind.
The title of each chapter consists of the name of the dish that serves as heroes, together with the conditions under which it will be tasted (traditional restaurant, market, baseball game ...). His conduct is not much more wanted: the Gourmet hungry, it reflects more or less time that his situation should encourage him to eat, buy / order, analyzes its food before, during and after tasting and often completes his thoughts on leaving the restaurant on a more general or philosophical thinking.
Both the substance and form, then one can not help but draw a parallel with the famous first sip of beer Philippe Delerm our country, everyone took pleasure in discovering and then to denigrate ( as befits a book written just around a simple idea that pleases the greatest number). And indeed, the first new offering the same impressions of pleasure and banality mixed. However, whether the design allows more show and less talk and describe, or that Taniguchi (and Kusumi, co-writer) are actually more talented than Delerm (or both), positive impressions are growing over the pages, finding more unexpected resonances in the fields of history, especially social and tourism (the neophyte that I learned a lot and understood by reading the footnotes to the page that abound in the book) so much so that I finished the book at the moment and so surreal seated alone in a buffet Sino-Vietnamese-Japanese-Correena!

To read or not?
Certainly if you are yourself gourmet (JB you validate my membership in this category?), For curiosities graphico-literary, or simply lovers Japan and Japanese literature.
It should be noted however that the French reader probably can not appreciate Le Gourmet Solitaire like a Japanese player, as the rules and traditions surrounding food there appear different from ours, although in least as ritualized. Not to mention the wider cultural dimension. Finally
and against all odds, is actually a tourist guide that Le Gourmet Solitaire could prove most valuable, lighting offered on certain neighborhoods in several cities and regions in Japanese and Japanese cuisine does certainly having nothing to par with a good old backpacker's guide!

Drawings Of Christmas Sweaters

make a wish

I wish you a beautiful year 2011 !