Sunday, January 9, 2011

Military Retirement Cake Ideas

"Artery underground" by Warren Ellis

Back Cover:
A private adrift, Michael McGill is hired to find a version of the Constitution United States including amendments written in ink invisible alien. Since the 50, the valuable document is passed from hand to hand in exchange for dubious services. For half a million dollars, McGill enters what America has more mad, grotesque, deviant and hilarious. A book briskly guided by the logic of the worst, transgressive exploration of a country crazy and decadent in search of what could change the course of its history ...

notice of Emmanuel
I am among those who enjoy a good book almost as a good novel. For if many people pay little attention to the container to focus solely on content, I am rather sensitive to the quality paper, binding, lettering and overall care given to the edition, which involved much of my reading pleasure. Thus, I can not bring myself to administer to a book, as do many torturers bibliographic these treatments that the law condemns any other object (mutilation, dismemberment, fractures and folds, scars, tattoos, doodles and so on ). And am therefore able to buy a book by chance on the cross only argument of a pretty black and yellow cover featuring a skillfully embossed engraving intriguing ...
But much to say frankly that is sometimes bad idea ...
Artery underground, the first novel by a British author of comics, which recounts the road trip of a private-loser and his assistant sex friend, through the places of debauchery staggered over the United States in pursuit of an alternative American constitution has magical powers that the Chief of Staff junkie White House asked him to return.
Artery underground is a book that wants fun ...
"The macroherpétophilie. Herpétophile, you know, who likes lizards. [...] And Macro to large scale. So people who ... People who want to fuck with Godzilla
... but is not.
Artery underground is a book that tries to make people laugh ...
"I stayed alone in the streets eerily quiet for Las Vegas, and I listened to my penis cry"
... but rarely succeeds.
Artery underground is a novel that aspires to make people think ...
"What I'm trying to say is that there are many more things in the human soul that our definition of puritan lifestyle ideal. Shit, What, over the last two weeks I've done things that are still illegal in some states. [..] Look how porn has changed. "
... but only succeeds in dismay.
Artery underground is ultimately a bad episode of comics without pictures or the superhero ...

To read or not:
If you love bad books, written with the feet, without a hint of suspense or intrigue, yes. Otherwise, no. I would not let me have this coverage razzle-l'oeil. Yet it probably will take me. Whatever ... It is not he first time the Devil Vauvert me this one. Let us beware.


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