Eli is a bum, broken, burnt out, Belle a prostitute who seeks to escape her pimp. Matthew is a young gay man, a hitman Seven ruthless. They do not know but come together on the same boat ... bound for Hell. Hell A somewhat unusual, which could be New York but is a copy ... frankly staggered. All four, armed with their own worries and accompanied by a strange People, have more then one thing in mind: finding a way to escape.
coverage could be that of an ordinary series B, an illustration kitsch as a Scottish writer who works part time as a computer programmer, it must out the popcorn or matches?
shots well Four characters will find themselves to their death in "hell". Will they discover there is a bad remake of our plump-Western societies Americanos (TV show, moral rehabilitation etc., etc. ...), midway between New York 1997 (without Snake) and 1984. Meanwhile, the killer (who is called "Seven" AC can not be invented) will be tortured, the prostitute is a prostitute, the tramp will be sidelined, and the young Mathew interned. Obviously, envious and dissatisfied with their situation they will try to escape. In their quest, they will be helped by Lucifer "himself", held captive for 4000 years by Gabriel.
Quid characters then? The killer is black (picture 1), a bastard is going to discover a heart (picture 2), which sometimes begins his sentences with "white boy" (photo 3) and called "Seven" (picture 4). The prostitute is a junkie (photo 1), who died at the hands of her pimp (photograph 2), and that hell will prostitute by a police officer (photo 3). If we add that the tramp will be found among the "forgotten" to hell (because-that-is-hell with it-real-world-in-worse-it-all), we accumulated enough shots to make it a questionable book (ah?). Do not be too strong or too hard, then Lucifer? Milton must be turning in his grave 150 times, so this is Lucifer schoolboy, devoid charisma and uninteresting.
Well ... then the style, history? I had my share of questionable style for the month from about page 7. The alternating action introspective phase is clumsy and poorly thought while having the knack of bringing nothing to the story, the book is written (translated?) As a bad action movie, the pleasure of zapping and less. The story that started from a good feeling is incredible, and comes together already seen (especially at the end of the book) without pleasure. Let us add that a few passages that are supposed to be funny and which are not, the sequence of clichés and the scenario heated, and you get Escape from Hell! (Even the exclamation point, anyway ...)
To read or not? :
The scope of hell reflection of our consumerist society that crushes individuality and exacerbates inequalities, we can forget. I will say a resounding "NO" and I'm going to think about why I bought this book.
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