Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Prepare For A Va Appraisal

"Latest News quagmire" Alexander Ikonnikov

Back Cover:
What to do leg of the peasant Krotov has cut her husband one evening in dispute watered? How to use a washing machine without water drain? The questions that confront the characters Ikonnikov are always unexpected ... and hilarious.
With a keen sense of satire, he gives us in these new a striking picture of contemporary Russia, full of humor, tenderness ... and vodka!
Ikonnikov Alexander was born in 1974 in Urshum the banks of the Vyatka. After studying German, he moved to Kirov and devoted himself to writing. Lizka and his men, his first novel, is also available at points.

Thursdays Internet - the opinion of Christine
Translated, very well translated by Antoine Volodin, known also as the author ( I swear I read too), this collection of short stories is published by Threshold in the collection points and had been a favorite in my library ...
What I like is to find the Russian spirit and broader Slavic (my background), the writing is effective, you get lost as the characters in a post-Soviet Russia where everything is falling water. It is crude, the absurd, the comical ... It also help to laugh and cry. Happy reading to you, if you book falls into the hands one evening, I do not care much for the night under the duvet .... You do not let go and you have a rare sense of jubilation in the face of grotesque life .... Because if we see the Russians, former communists, he hides behind a whole humanity. And a phenomenal mess!!


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