Sunday, January 23, 2011

Temporary License Ontario

"Home of certain death" Albert Cossery

Back Cover:
"Tapie at the top of the alley of the Seven Daughters, the house of Khalil If the owner disgusting, cracked under the burst and finished to convert in ruins. I must say the atrocious truth. This house was standing by a miracle. Only the son of a bitch, blinded by abject poverty, could shelter their wretched existence between these crumbling walls. A portable lamp vulgar merchant lettuce from in the alley, made her totter on its base. Also, to prevent danger, we had blocked access to the alley at any kind of vehicle, and even some vendors, whose voice is too powerful could - by air movements harmful - to precipitate the disaster. "

notice of Emmanuel
On the BdB, we criticize a bit of everything. Contemporary writers sometimes under much more often lately. Of known and little known in roughly equal proportion. Writers whose books we like ... or not at all. But it is not so common to find an unknown author which we appreciate or books. Rarer still fall in love with one of them. Yet, in our mind in all cases, the raison d'ĂȘtre of a literary blog, which beyond mixed views on works shelled thousand times elsewhere, must provide original discoveries and quality guarantee ( almost). What this criticism tries to do ...

Albert Cossery an Egyptian writer who is always written in French (and having lived in France, in a hotel room in Saint-Germain-des-Pres in 1940 to his death in 2008). His work, with a total of 10 novels and collections of poems, although it had some influence on the artistic (adaptations in comics, film) remains largely unknown, as evidenced by the limited volume of sales of his works (the latest edition of The Home of certain death back to 1998!).
This short novel, which chronicles the life and struggle of the unfortunate tenants (in every sense) of a ruined house in a poor neighborhood of Cairo, however, deserves to be widely read. The poor wretches who are the heroes, colorful, strong character without ever falling in the cartoon, forced by fate to a dangerous promiscuity, survive as best they could, ie, they bicker it, or jealous of them there to help each day, while remaining deeply alone . Only primarily deal with the anguish of his death threatening and unpredictable (the house may collapse at any moment), well isolated together against the injustice of poverty and hunger.
The light tone , writing simple, tasty and humor (which largely involves a sense of insult and truly delicious whole East-the very one that made me read the Valiants Albert Cohen so delectable-) allow Cossery to denounce with all the more to the anxiety of man facing death, poverty and all the uncertainties arising from (hunger and ends almost in animal which it urges man, jealousy ...) and injustice in general.
The result has an evocative brilliant to me all the more touching than the death house some never tries to cry, instead preferring morning the harsh reality of saving a touch of derision.

To read or not? After
I discovered Titus d'Enfer, Home of certain death is my second favorite in recent months. I recommend it all the more hotly it is easy, fast, and that this novel has an air of universality, even as a fable, which should appeal to almost any reader. Go a little
final quote to make you want:
"However, the court had become the center of a drama confused. Children, terribly obscene, excited their mothers and grew in the massacre. These in turn distributed them arm slaps masterful. The cries and shrieks followed each other at a rate spasmodic. And with all that, the cold bit like a mad dog. "


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