Malassise Henry and Baron de Biron, authentic peace negotiators of Saint-Germain, which was signed in 1570, are grappling with two gentlemen Huguenots. Feints, laborers, the compromises that they use for the possession of two cities, Sancerre and Angoulême is the matter of this story, much more psychological than historical. A woman might seem, rather enigmatically, weaves a plot and disappears when the treaty was concluded and that ends the book.
The author recalled a variety of international missions he accomplished during his career. Wanting to learn and to revive it, he put his experience as part of a historic treaty. In fact, what we offer is a "portrait of bargaining."
He shows his finesse, his tricks, his tricks. Under the caution of the characters and the simplicity of the story, one sees huge and ferocious passions.
Notice of Matthias:
"The truth is the opposite of lies, betrayal is not the opposite of serving, hate is not the opposite of love, trust is not the opposite of mistrust or falsity of righteousness. "It
by this aphorism that opens the story of the narrator, Henry Malassise, but fictional story based on historical fact, a negotiator on behalf of King Charles IX and Queen Mother Catherine de Medici, peace with the Huguenots called "Peace of St. Germain." In a sober and stripped, the diplomat remembers twenty years later, days before the conclusion of peace, and during which he had to show his talent to reach an agreement satisfactory to the parties, Catholics and Protestants. This peace was his victory in the shadows will not last. The massacres of Saint Bartholomew's Day will be held August 24, 1572.
This novel, which won the Goncourt 1958, I left a good impression. In a narrow space of some 180 pages, the story focused on a single event, he managed to form a small perfection at its conventional manner. Here, no delirium or caricature, it is by his restraint, his diplomatic style while, that the author, himself a former diplomat, manages to captivate the reader.
matter will help. To my knowledge this is the only novel aimed concrete negotiation, this activity rather pejorative reputation, full of deception and secrecy, and yet when you think about it, passionate. I discovered with great pleasure the mindset, attitude, the negotiator, and techniques which he uses to practice his "art." Saint-Germain or negotiation among these novels where much of the pleasure of the reader is in the discovery of a field he thought he not know, or so little, and which proves an essential part of what makes life.
novel is also a very human, material or has the rights. The narrator and his alter-ego Huguenots face the distance between the abstraction of their discussion, the words of a treaty, and the realities they mean: this city and all its existence, knowing, at a stroke Feather, a different fate, with sometimes tragic consequences. Thought that the narrator maintains or rejects it according to, forced to reason well, to keep his cool. The mission of the negotiator, who is as much of the interest calculation and the analysis of human nature, is thus depicted by the author in all its difficulty and beauty. Beyond ideologies and wars, Francis Walder shows us human beings who discuss and which, a priori, any opposing camps, seeking common. They discover each other, appreciate the point of risking the friendship, or love. Without going there altogether. They disappear once the treaty. It ruled that, had them closer to the point of realizing, to recognize and love each other a moment, then separating forever, because if this is unreasonable, the mistress of safe Diplomat: raison d'etat. For the narrator, Henry Malassise, it is joy but also his tragedy is the spice of life and this novel, where form and content come together beautifully.
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